Thursday, December 4, 2008

If you would like to leave a message for the family

If you would like to leave a message for the family please write it here. Thanks Dorrine


Gil said...

testing 1-2-3

Anonymous said...

Let's give this a shot....I had to go get a Gmail account first..

BiancaSw said...

Hey everyone, Hi Gil.... As I already wrote in my Email it is hard to say something other than that we German 'Swartouts' (including my dad, Uschy, my Mom, Alf and myself)have Gil in mind...Its horrible what happened and I always ask myself why....but there is no answer to that. Its just really scary how fast something can happen and that kind of scares me...

So, just say hi to Gil from me and Alf, tell him we are thinking of him, tell him to get well soon and tell him that every time I think of him I can't help thinking of those really cool 'smily faces' pajama pants he has :-) Hope to see them on you again soon, Gil :-)

Hug to

Kathy said...

Thank you for the update. Tell Gil we love him and give him a hug for me. Keep that angel close to Gil.


Nanny Granny said...

Talking to CA Kevin, Gil's brother, I told him to bring a Winter coat when he comes on Thursday. He said "Mom, I'm wearing a T-shirt!." I replied "Just bring a coat to put on top of that T-shirt!." If you can make my son behave until Thursday, I will give you a break. I am so thankful you two are there, also Big and Little Nancy's to care for Gil.