Monday, December 8, 2008


gil had a bit of a setback this morning. He was just out of it, not responding, and it scared the heck out of me. I insisted on a dr. evaluating him and they ordered blood work, another cat scan and ordered the monitors put back on. They can't do that in rehab so he was moved to Progressive care unit. His vital signs were good, however his blood sugars were very elevated. I know that the white mass in his brain around the stroke area was mildly more swollen. The dr. is on the way to explain all this to me and hopefully will be able to tell me what happened and what it means. Gil is coming out of it. His eyes seem so cloudy and he is a bit confused, but he is back to shaking his head yes and no and even causing trouble. He was trying to pull the heart monitor lodes off of his chest and Dorrine grabbed his hand. He clutched those wires tightly she said. I was out of the room. She told him to let go and he raised his butt and "let go". When I came back into the room and she told me that, I asked if he did that and he shook his head no. Dorrine said, you are not being honest. As she walked away I whispered did you really do that? He shook his head Yes!!!!! He is very adament to get out of bed so has to be watched. Will send info after I talk to the dr. Love Susie

Gil is at Carlisle, PA at Carlisle regional medical center
room # 243
MOMS CELL # 715-573-0953

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